
English Transgender woman back in the UK after years in Bangkok – Local Insights & Lifestyle Issues


Hi, I’m Ashley, an English MTF trans person living and working in Bangkok, Thailand. Born in 1973 and living in Bangkok (mostly) since 1996 I had a brief wobbly in summer 2011 when I returned to the UK, but moved back out here on New Year’s Eve 2014/15, realizing that Thailand really is now home.

I’ve had no hormones and no surgeries…..yet….but if I do, I’ll share my experiences here. I also do not live full time as a woman and am unsure if I ever will. Like many who identify as transgender, I’m unsure of my direction, and I hope bearing my thoughts publically here will be of help to me, if not some of my readers

If you’ve any questions about trans life, Bangkok life or anything I may write here, shout out, as I’d be glad to hear from you.ash2

  • Ashley